Come As You Are Mantra Medallion
Come As You Are Mantra Medallion Come As You Are Mantra Medallion Come As You Are Mantra Medallion Come As You Are Mantra Medallion

Come As You Are Mantra Medallion

SKU #6763660378285

Tip: Mens Charms & Pendants

Disponibilitate: In stoc

Prețuri începând de la: £ 0


“Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we're all in this together.” - Brene Brown
We created the Come As You Are Mantra Medallion to give you the reminder you need that to love and cherish yourself.

The idea for this Mantra Medallion was born out of personal experience with this same struggle, and the desire for a tool that could be carried in your pocket or put on display to be a consistent affirmation of the love that is present in each and every one of us.

It gives us immeasurable amounts of joy to be able to share this creation with you and the world, and we hope you will join us in our mission to inspire and empower as many people as we can, and to share the love!

The imagery on the Mantra Medallion offers a visual representation of love, tranquility and harmony with the self, and with nature. A heart is placed right in the center, symbolizing the innate love present at the core of each one of us. The mindfulness symbol surrounding the figure is a sign to return to the present moment, to let go of any suffering from the past, and avoid worrying about the future. The tree of life weaves its way around the edges, signifying life, growth, strength and abundance.

Meditate with your Come As You Are Mantra Medallion, keep it with you throughout your day, or put it on display in your home or office to remember to let go of who you think you should be, and embrace your splendor!

**Mantra Medallions make the perfect gift for the attendees of your retreat or for teachers in training and can be personalized for larger orders! If you would like another mantra, a different size, or anything added or subtracted please let us know and we will be sure to accommodate your request!


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